
Friday, May 31, 2013

Checkers got adopted!

Congratulations GHRS and Checkers!

You can read Checkers' story here.

Unfortunately, there are plenty more bunnies and other animals that need forever homes.
Please don't buy a pet -- ADOPT a rescue!

Ways to help:
Join - GHRS. No entrance exams. And you get a 10% discount on Hop Shop purchases.
Adopt - a bunny who needs a forever home.
Foster - a bunny until he or she finds a forever home; this expands GHRS's capacity.
Volunteer - at GHRS in all sorts of ways ... feeding, grooming, making hidey boxes.
Donate - No amount is too small! All appreciated!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

So many cute bunnies!

Just want to remind you that there are lots more cute bunnies, memes and bunny events PR on the Rabbit Ramblings Facebook page. If you are on Facebook, "Like" the RR page. If you are not on FB, you can still view it and bookmark it.

This first bun (in cup and with apple) is Sprite and is adoptable from GHRS.

Sprite now

Overlord bunny - you must do his bidding

Neapolitan bunnies - 3 flavors

Variegated bunny

Groucho Marx bunny

Homework helper bunny

Soft huddle puddle of bunnehs

After Memorial Day -
it's okay to wear white

"Yes, we're good at least until Labor Day."

"I'm all ears ...
I mean, I'm listening."

"Whatchu' sayin'?"

"Hold still and I think I can reach this treat ..."
Fluffy would forever regret her
one night stand with the Easter Bunny.
Alexander the Great -
ready to conquer the world

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Bunny binky-palooza

Don't buy a pet - ADOPT a rescue!
(And get educated first, to make sure it is the right pet for you -
or really better -- that you are the right owner/devotee for the pet!)

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Ever been too tired to eat? How about your bunny?

Personalities revealed ...

All three started eating.
Ethel is finished and flops in place,
with a good stretch, bracing her feet against the pen.

Bunya and Lucy continue eating.
No surprise, Bunya.
Lucy never takes her eyes off of you. No surprise there either.
Ethel ignores all and nods off.

Shortly after everyone's had dinner,
it's a group snuggle ...
our little Bunmuda Triangle.

Monday, May 27, 2013

The Rabbit Lover Meme

(Click on it and hopefully, it will enlarge or see larger version on Funny Bunny Memes page .)

Sunday, May 26, 2013

NMHRS auction fundraiser for bunnies!

New Mexico House Rabbit Society is having their first ever auction fundraiser - if you can't be there in person, you can buy on-line! You can shop and help bunnies!

Bunny Art at the Decatur Arts Festival

This year's festival was once again a bunny-rich environment.
Thank you to the artists (and a patron) who allowed us to take pictures of their artwork. Pictures are in the order of our stroll. We were looking for bunny things but the artists have lots of non-bunny art, too. If you are in the area, this festival continues (and many of the artists will be at the Virginia Highlands festival next week).

Off to a great start when a patron, looking at the art in a booth,
allowed me to take a picture of her tote that she got in Cambodia.

Artist: Karen Fincannon
Facebook page is here

Plus: Artist's husband was wearing
a Psycho Bunny shirt.

Okay, we cracked down and
bought the little black one in the middle.

Artist: Kathleen Taylor

Artist: Patti Ballard

(Partially in the shade, but
wanted to get this one
with the heart)
"Split Hares" (Stuffed toy)

Artists: Penny + Johnnie Dobson
Emails: +

Looks like Mr. Bunya!

Lucy look-a-like

Possibly disapproving bunny

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Memorial Day weekend - HEY, YOU OUT THERE - LISTEN UP

The holiday rules and cautions:
Don't drink and drive.
Don't text and drive.
Don't drink and text (you can get in a lot of trouble).
When boating, wear a big orange life vest (you humans look so funny in those).
Play with your bunnies and give them lots of treats!

Have a safe & wonderful holiday weekend!

And thank the members of the armed forces, past and present,
that we have the freedom to celebrate.

Friday, May 24, 2013

The non-traveling bunny

That'd be Lucy ...

Hmm ... they always put this out a week ahead of when
they think they are going to catch me
and take us all somewhere.

You lookin' at me?

Let me be perfectly clear about this.
Read my eyes - NO!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Bunnyfest - June 9th!!!

Tell your relatives!
Tell your friends!
Tell your bunnies!

It’s that time of year again and Bunnyfest is around the corner!
This year's event is shaping up to be fantastic!
Check out some of the things in store for you and your bunny:
- Wellness exams (provided by Dr. Colby)
- Chiropractic exams
- Grooming and nail trimming
- A lecture on bunny acupuncture by Dr. Alicia Moon
- A lecture on advanced bunny medical care by Dr. Mayer of UGA
- The Blissful Bunny
- The GHRS “Hop Shop”
- Food and fun for everyone and everybun!

The event is $5 per person and $15 per family (CHEAP!!!)

P.S.Vendor tables are available at a VERY reasonable rate.
Contact Megan by emailing for more information.

We hope to have a Regular Roving Rabbit Ramblings Reporter (whew!) there to take pictures of bunnies for this blog - get your buns on RR!
(Wait - that sounded dirty but you know what we mean.)