
Monday, November 23, 2015

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Treat-seeking bunnies

Bunya & Ethel seeking treats in all the hidden places (~60 sec).
They know what's coming and anxiously await until the treats are loaded and their Einstein toy is put on the floor. The actual treat enjoyment seems comparatively leisurely. When there were three bunnies, with Lucy, this activity was significantly more frenzied. Greater competition, I guess... and Lucy was VERY good at this. (For an example and a link to where we got the toy, see this video.)

Monday, November 16, 2015

Funny Bunny Monday Meme*Day is a tremendous resource for anyone considering adopting a bunny or owning a bunny. House Rabbit Society chapters are listed and linked in the left hand column. The top right corner of the HRS site has a search box that will lead you to a library of expert articles on bunny care, health, diet and more.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

That perfect piece of hay

We have often wondered here what makes that perfect little piece of hay, the one the bunny has to dig for and paw through the rest to find.

Well, apparently, it is possible for a human to identify it for the bunny. Sometimes. Our daughter seems to have the touch and found Bunya a hay treat, that perfect stem with the little hay flower on top.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Veterans Day

To our veterans on Veterans Day:
Thank you for your service.
Wishing you peace and good health.

For another Veterans Day post, see My Army Bunny Family.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Monday, November 2, 2015

Funny Bunny Monday Meme*day

Tales of Two Rabbits
So far, boarding only at the local House Rabbit Society shelter, where they board bunnies (as a fund raiser) and they know bunnies