
Thursday, December 29, 2016

Happy New Year! (+ some bunny & human care)

New Year's reminder from the humans:
Bunnies do NOT like fireworks.
It stresses them just like other sudden and/or loud noises.

If your bunny's neighborhood is firecracker noisy, keep the buns cool and quiet.
Close the windows and doors.

If needed to "cover" firecracker noise, play music - peaceful, easy listening (not loud).
Think elevator music. No hair bands or hare bands. Stay away from 1812 Overture.
Your TV service might even have a suitable channel in its lineup - you just never tune to those channels.

If you do not already have boxes for them to play on and in, get some plain cardboard boxes (not slick or a lot of ink/color; no staples, labels or tape). Cut at least two openings in each box big enough for your bunny to get in and out ... they can hide in them, to further mute the noise and feel a little safer.

Keep them company and reassure them that everything's okay. Pet them if they are the petting kind of bunnies. Have a couple of healthy treats handy (Bunya told me to say that).


A message from Bunya:
Hi there. Bunya here.

First, Ethel and I want to wish you a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.

Please be careful in your celebrations. If you drink, don't drive.
We don't have anything against moderate imbibing ... the humans don't know it but we always ferment a little carrot juice to celebrate, too. But we are staying home to celebrate. We hate cars.

Even if you don't drink, be careful driving, because not everyone is as smart as you.
Don't text while driving either. Just concentrate.

Also, be kind to each other next year. And beyond.
Be kind to all pets and animals, too. (But especially bunnies.)

Have fun & be safe!

Monday, December 26, 2016

Funny Bunny Monday Meme*day

Asking for a friend - very considerate!

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Wishing you a very bunny Christmas!!!

One of my all-time favorite bunny pictures, my standard Christmas bun - and it's not even our bunny!

*Sigh*  Okay, Mom, I'll pose because it makes you so happy
and, after all, I am so darn cute.

This is Mr Cookie, one of the cutest bunnies ever and my way of wishing everyone a joyous, happy and safe holiday! Hope Santa Paws bring you what you want and what you need.

[Mr Cookie passed over the Rainbow Bridge about the same time we lost our Lucy, August of 2015. Sincere condolences to Mr Cookie's humans. The internet and our hearts allow our treasured pets to live on.]

Friday, December 23, 2016

The cheek rest

What is it about resting your tired cheeks on this box?

Bunya figured out how to rest both cheeks.

They're probably doing it just to mess with me.



Tuesday, December 20, 2016

GHRS Holiday Party

The Georgia House Rabbit Society holiday party in pictures. For more, see the GHRS Facebook page and the FB page of Bree the Bunny.

The mayhem of Hoppy Hour

There was a whole lotta' chinin' goin' on.
New acquaintances were made.
A brief scuffle or two if someone wanted to be alpha bun, but if they were persistent, they were put in an official time out.

Here are the cute bunnies...

These two beautiful bunnies imitated Lady & the Tramp, but over a dried kudzu leaf.

Cousins to a Tribble?

This scofflaw decided she would be a rebel and chew up the time out sign.

Some were relaxed enough to lay down.

One little bunny claimed a litter box for himself but was happy to share with and sniff the company that dropped by...

At one point, a LOT of company dropped in, including some hefty sized buns. Look closely to see him in the litter box - there are four bunnies inside it and he's the third from the left (or right, if you include the bun not in box).

Finally, some privacy away from the crushing crowds.

Other litter box friendships were established.

Some bunnies just wanted to be pet by the human bunny bouncers (Hoppy Hour Enforcers).


This big beautiful bunny parked herself to one side, under a chair and off the towels, rugs and mats that most of the bunnies played on.

There was cuteness everywhere you looked.

And GHRS gets the best Santa Paws to pose with the bunnies for Christmas pictures.

There was a Hop Shop for those last minute bunny gifts and even a vendor offering bunny box subscriptions, Rabbit's Paradise.
Sample holiday box

A grand time was had by all, bunnies and humans alike!

(You may think that was a lot of pictures - there are so many more cute bunnies, but I'll stop now.)

My bunny stamps just arrived!

The bunnies are now first class postage!

Monday, December 19, 2016

Funny Bunny Monday Meme*day

Bunny math - Get your bunnies fixed so they can't multiply!

Love that concentrated skrinch face!

Thursday, December 15, 2016

The bunnies' new hay dispenser

As part of the fundraising for the new HRS chapter in Alabama, we were highest bid on a new hay dispenser for the bunnies. It seems to have received the Good Bunkeeping Seal of Approval. In the end, that's all that matters.

You can read about the hay box here (including the other wonderful stuff that came with it).
The Blissful Bunny's Facebook page is here. They have made our bunnies' castle towers, bridge, ramp, tunnel, elevated princess bed and several chew toys. They used to donate the profits to rabbit rescues. Now they have started their own House Rabbit Society chapter and so, basically the same thing. Truly quality made bunny furniture, if they have time to make some - they are caring for a LOT of bunnies now. In their house.
The Alabama Rabbit Rescue Facebook page is here. Their website is here.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Anxious for Santa Paws

Meme says:
Wookie: Those trees are here again.
Tilly: I see... very pretty.
Wookie: Well, then, where are all the treats and toys? And the paper and boxes to chew?
Tilly: Have patience. The holiday is not here yet; the humans have Prime for 2-day shipping.
Wookie: I think Santa Paws is a human scam.
Tilly: If we get mass quantities of treats and toys, do you care?
Wookie: Point taken.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

THE Christmas tree globe for bunny people

The perfect gift for the bunny person in your life.
Or for yourself, if that's you.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Funny Bunny Monday Meme*day

Adopt, don't shop.
There are so many bunnies in need. Please help save bunny lives. No amount is too small - they all add up, they all help. You can donate to your local chapter or use these links:

Thank you.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Funny Bunny Monday Meme*day

I tell Bunya and Ethel: Have a good day and be sweet to each other.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Ethel bossing her bowl around

This is the bowl in which the bunnies get their dried willow leaves.
It was empty.
Ethel does not like empty.

She has taken to bossing their food dishes around; we will find them shoved under the ramp to their castle tower or in their tunnel. She will turn it over and sometimes eat the little bits that come out from the bottom of the bowl. Then she'll flip it back over and see if there is anything she missed, or if more has magically appeared.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Hay is a necessity for bunnies

Bunnies should have access to unlimited hay 24/7, along with clean fresh water. Primarily, Bunya and Ethel eat Timothy hay; we get the first and second cut from Small Pet Select. To change things up, we get them a variety of "treat" hays (but not alfalfa - they are way too old for that).

[Disclosure: Rabbit Ramblings, its bunnies and its humans have no ownership or financial interest in Small Pet Select.]

We just got a new cut of hay, Small Pet Select's "third cut". To see if the bunnies liked it, I put it in its own bowl. It was a bedtime treat.


What I found the next morning:

I formed a hypothesis that... just maybe, perhaps, it could be... they liked this new "flavor".

And to test this hypothesis, filled the bowl up again.
Then add bunnies. (Actually, they added themselves as soon as I put it down).

Of course, silly human that I am, I put the best pieces of hay in the bottom of the bowl, so they had to fluff it up to access those. (Will have to develop another study sometime, to see what makes that perfect piece of hay.)

Here's video of bunnies eating hay. Watch as much as you want - it doesn't change much:
select piece of hay, chew it, select another.

For more on bunny diet, see the post What is a treat?