
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Where's Ethel?

Noticed Ethel was "missing".

The hay box is supposed to be opened in a way to let them graze without turning it into a litter box. Don't think she turned it into a litter box but still, the best-laid plans of mice and men...

Monday, September 25, 2017

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Ethel in the hay box

Ethel's dumpster diving efforts are extraordinary - she goes to great lengths to find that perfect piece of hay.

The box top is set like it is to allow them to access the hay, hopefully without them turning it into another litter box. About 9 seconds in, she uses her head to try to move the top out of her way. (Total clip ~24 seconds)

Ethel's previous attempt to go "all in"...

And some postprandial snuggling...

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Funny Bunny Monday Meme*day

(One day late, due to lack of electricity and internet. Hope you are well.)

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

The box of hay

Ethel usually stretches up (periscopes) to get that particular piece of hay (whatever characteristics makes that piece the one she has to dig out). Last night, she just settled into the hay and grazed in comfort.

Hopefully, that's all she did. I was trying to prevent their hopping in, by only opening the box as in the picture; but Ethel is so tiny, she squeezed in anyway.

Bunya stands guard (not really, he's just waiting for treat time).