
Wednesday, August 15, 2018

The Goodbye Treat

Turn on the volume so you can hear the crunching.
They each got a piece of a Probios this morning, their favorite.

The Goodbye Treat is the last treat the bunnies get before I leave for work. When they see me come in, they run to me, where the treat box is, and go crazy. Well, Ethel still has that level of energy and she runs some crazy loops through a maze haven under the kitchen table. Bunya sort of chugs along and just waits outside the kitchen, between me and their pen. With age comes wisdom.

I go straight to their pen and hold the treats through the fence. They know the routine and run straight inside to get their Goodbye Treat while I close the gate.

Bunya will be 11 in October. Ethel is about 8-1/2. You can tell Bunya is aging. The body just doesn't work quite like it used to... I feel ya', Bunya. Mine doesn't either.

Also, Ethel is getting away with behavior Bunya would not have tolerated a year ago. She eats faster than he does now, and will go after his uneaten treat (you can see her checking under his mouth a few seconds in). When they are waiting for their Goodbye Treat, Ethel will bulldoze Bunya out of her way to try to get the treat first. He cannot even resist any more, he just doesn't have it in him.

Maybe she lets him think he's still the alpha bun.
They love each other very much.

Monday, August 6, 2018