
Bunny advocacy memes

(New memes are added throughout this page.)

Mutts by Patrick McDonnell

Image may contain: meme and text

Video of first day of freedom is here

From a great UK website: The Rabbit House
and get her book if your rabbit has bad habits:
10 Rabbit Behavior Problems Solved

Bunnyhugga's website is here and Facebook page is here.
Cranky Girl
The second from the left is innocent
and should not be incarcerated, Officer, just because it's Easter.

The rest -- take 'em away!
(Great job, New Moon Rabbit Rescue!)

Student's graphic essay for Communications class

On billboards around Atlanta, GA (pre-Easter 2013)

Don't wait - your bunny could die (painfully) in less than 24 hours.
Get him or her to a rabbit-savvy vet ASAP.

Learn before ADOPTING a rabbit. Unfortunately, pet stores that sell rabbits are NOT reliable information sources and sell products that are HARMFUL to rabbits.

HRS info on wild rabbits is here
Like the vast majority of egg-laying hens today,
rabbits raised for meat live their entire lives in tiny wire cages before they are killed.
Let's work together to end this cruel practice: Choose a compassionate diet today!