
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Bunny Stay-cation at HRS

The bunnies had another brief stay-cation at GHRS. I know they are well taken care of, but it takes something out of me to take them there. In general, bunnies do not like car rides ... very true of Lucy & Ethel.

Lucy has to be tricked into the carrier, so it's left out and open a few days ahead of time. They get some of their treats through the top opening, to get them comfortable with it.

Departure day: Shut the door on Lucy - she knew immediately she'd made a boo-boo and got that petrified look in her eyes. Bunya and Ethel - just pick them up and plop them in with her, through the top. Bunya has now started to spread his back legs to span the top opening and keep himself from being added, but that's not a problem. Catching them is the problem. And really, just snagging Lucy.

Huddled in the carrier as close as can be,
with Ethel resting her chin on Bunya.
Here are Lucy and Ethel in the carrier, ears shaking like leaves in a hurricane. The car was at a complete stop. It's hard to see Lucy's black ear in the shadow, but you get the idea from the three white ears...

Once at HRS, they adjust quickly and are fine. The trio greet their keeper,
just in case they get lucky and are going to score some treats.
Score - yes, it is treats!
Bunya, ever treat aggressive (thanks, "Alice")
stands up so he can be closest and get his first.
Oh - and the buns got pedicures and manicures while there, in addition to a good grooming. Sort of a spa-cation. And I was able to again stock up on the healthy bunny treats offered in the HRS store - we were out and that makes for unhappy bunnies.

As always, a huge thank you to the staff and volunteers at HRS for taking such wonderful care of our bunnies. See their site for services they offer: Georgia House Rabbit Society

Coming soon - the welcome home.

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