
Friday, December 7, 2012

Cleaning the bunny pen

What is it about pen cleaning day that makes the bunnies so desire to go behind the pen? Maybe they are trying to find the Wizard of Bun. Follow the green rug road.

We take everything out ... the hidey boxes, toys, litter boxes, tube, tunnel. When we pull it away from the wall to vacuum, they must explore. The vacuum does not bother them and, if they can get to it, the cord is a delicacy. (Yeah, it's headed to the repair shop. Again). When we're done, we have to practically shoo them away so we can move it back without accidentally squishing anybunny.

Ethel is usually the first behind the pen.
Bunya is off to the left, peeking out from behind the hay feeder.
Lucy got her laps in, too.

(Their 24/7 fresh hay feeder stays in place because it normally rests on top of their big white tube and is zip-tied to the pen fence.)

What does your bunny do on cleaning day? Hide? "Help" you?


  1. Where did you get your fence? can I ask what you paid?
    Is it heavy?

    1. Their pen was from a company that made dog pens and was offered through Costco. The pen measures 7.5' x 7.5' x 4.5' tall. My recollection is that it cost about $100 delivered. Assembled, one person can move it around. The hardest part was getting the fence to stretch around the assemble poles. At first, I thought it was 2 feet too short (best assembled by two people but I did it myself). We bought a rug remnant from Home Depot to go under it (maybe $30-40?). Let me know if you want more information and I'll see what I can dig up (if anything).

    2. How do you (and the rabbits) get in and out? is there a door of sorts?
      More info would be great, if its easy for you to access.

    3. oh! is this the same one? it looks really tall, though!

    4. It is similar to the link you provided (maybe the price has gone up), so there is a gate (you have to bend under a pipe to get in and out, unless you are shorter than 4.5'). I'll poke around this weekend and see what I can find. You can see it (empty) here:
      Just scroll down below the buncam and there is a picture.

    5. A nice Costco service rep (Tracy) looked back and found it in my past purchases: R & T Steel Chain Link 4' Dog Kennel - Item# 394388. They may not sell it anymore but maybe this will help you find one. A good search term seems to be: dog kennel. We got it almost 4 years ago and it was $199.99 + tax. It came with a canvas cover that we don't use.
      One other thing - There are some wider gaps around the gate and where the fence is anchored on either side of the gate. I used a small piece of chicken wire, PVC pipe and zip ties to block these potential escape routes.
      Good luck!

  2. Yep! Right behind the fencing! That's where they head! And, when I remove the litter box ... that's when everybody needs to pee... When there is NO box there ... sheesh .. I think this is their way of telling us we need to figure out how to clean without disturbing them or their area ... or any of their things ... hahahahaha

    1. Maybe this will help? I got an extra litter box. It sits empty until I am ready to change their primary litter box. Then I put litter and hay in the "extra". I pick up the "dirty" box and drop down in its place the clean, fresh "extra" litter box I just set up. Then I clean the dirty one and put it aside as the "extra" until next time.

  3. Lots of foot stomping when I touch their things. My favorite is when I reach back for the roll of paper towels and they're missing... Then I find them across the room being nibbled on. I like when they sit in their litter boxes like little bullies who are going to stop me from cleaning their boxes!

    1. I love the "little bullies" visual! Please email me a picture if you can.
      I love it when Lucy is in the litter box when we're cleaning - sometimes we can lift the whole box up and snatch her before she realizes she's about to get groomed. Otherwise, she'll hide under the desk until we leave ... and stay shaggy.

  4. My one bun will clean me up spills (from the water dish or the green water from dinner greens)...when I put down a paper towel over the puddle she will put her front paws down on it and blot the spill for me.
    At first I thought she was just trying to get in the way, then I realized I wasn't cleaning it up fast enough for her and she decide to take matter into her own paws.

    1. When we close the pen, like at bedtime, we toss their last portion of crumbles into their bowl, with a few Exact treats added. They bolt in for them. If we forget to first remove the greens dish (with some water in it), one of them will put a foot in it rushing to get their share of treats ... and then still eat as many treats as they can while shaking the wet foot.

  5. They go outside or get stuffed in a little cage. Then they rearrange everything back the way they want it.
