
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Update on Ginger - Part Deux!

Ginger's story was told in Does this adorable little bunny belong to you??? and first updated here.

Ginger - looking like a rock star!

There must be some team that readies these bunnies for their pictures. Groomed to perfection - did they use some bunny hair product to get her little lionhead Mohawk to stand up? Kudos go to the photographer (and "team", if there really is one).

After the Brew for Bunnies event, we stopped by the shelter to visit Ginger and see how she's doing. And the answer is "Great!", as you can see from the picture. The dog gunk is gone from her fur. She's eating and pooping (bunny people understand those are two very important health indicators). We pet her and she is soooo soft! Bunya is our softest bun; since he was at home, we could not do a side-by-side comparison, but it would be close (and Ginger could be the winner - but we won't tell Bunya).

Now all Ginger needs is to bond with her Gilligan or Mary Ann and find a forever home.

You can see Ginger and other new GHRS adoptables here.


  1. I was just thinking about her and wondering how she's doing. I'm glad to see she's doing better.

  2. Awww its so nice to see her looking well.xx

  3. rexes beat all in the softness competition.. but I got to give it to Ginger for the hair-do

  4. Ginger looks great. I hope she finds her forever home soon.
