
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Report on Brews for Bunnies

Wish you all could have joined us at this wonderful fundraiser for the bunnies!

The "Brews for Bunnies" was held here - where else?

The Red Hare himself, over the entrance to the brewery.

Even the weather cooperated: 75 degrees, light breeze and blue skies
Spectacularly well-attended. This is only the crowd outside,
playing games & listening to live music.
More patrons were inside sampling several different ales, a lager
and an incredibly delicious root beer.
Oh, and touring the brewery.

The Red Hare
A can of Red Hare Lager,
in case you had a Long Day.
Or want one.

And some bunny art

Kudos to the GHRS volunteers
who put this great event together!