
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

In Memoriam: Winston

Another blogging bunny has passed away...

Winston passed over the
Rainbow Bridge 07-15-2013

Rabbits' Guy's blog is A Houseful of Rabbits. Winston and the other bunnies are fortunate to have such a loving and caring bunny household in which to live.

You can read about Winston, and offer your condolences at A Houseful of Rabbits.

Please make a donation to a bunny shelter near you in Goldie's memory.
If you don't have a shelter, here's a great one. 

Rainbow Bridge is posted here.


  1. What a sweet bun. Every one of them contributes so uniquely to our lives, teaches us important lessons, and that is why their passing is so sad, even though we know we will outlive most of them. And that is why we keep inviting more of them into our lives, grief notwithstanding.

  2. he was a beautiful bunny and shall be missed,xx Speedy and mum

  3. So sorry to hear about Winston's passing.
