
Sunday, May 27, 2018

Bunny Art at the Decatur Arts Festival

Thank you to the artists who allowed us to take pictures of their artwork. Pictures are in the order of our stroll. The artists have lots of non-bunny art, too, but this a bunny blog.


Okay, we might have bought this one,
because, you know, we don't have enough bunny things.
From: Methane Studios



This is a tote bag we found at a store
adjacent to the festival.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Memorial Day

Hi, there. Bunya here.
Here are some holiday rules and cautions:
Don't drink and drive.
Don't text and drive.
Don't drink and text (you can get in a lot of trouble).
When boating, wear a big orange life vest (you humans look so funny in those).
Play with your bunnies and give them lots of treats!

Have a safe & wonderful holiday weekend!

And thank the members of the armed forces, past and present,
that we have the freedom to celebrate.

"Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States for remembering the people who died while serving in the country's armed forces." [Link: Wikipedia]


Bunny care: If fireworks are used to celebrate in your area

Bunnies don't like fireworks.
It stresses them just like other sudden and/or loud noises.

If your bunny's neighborhood is firecracker noisy, keep the buns cool and quiet.
Close the windows and doors. Close the blinds to avoid flashing lights.

Play music - peaceful, easy listening (not loud). Think elevator music.
(No hair bands or hare bands. Stay away from 1812 Overture.)
Your TV service might even have a suitable channel in its lineup - you just never tune to those channels.

If you do not already have boxes for them to play on and in, get some plain cardboard boxes (not slick or a lot of ink/color, no staples, labels or tape); cut at least two openings in each box big enough for your bunny to get in and out. They can hide in them, to further mute the noise and feel a little safer.

An air filter in their room may provide a white noise to help muffle the fireworks' sounds.

Keep them company and reassure them that everything's okay. Pet them if they are the petting kind of bunnies. Have a couple of healthy treats handy (Bunya told me to say that).

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day! Especially to all the bunny mommas (and daddies).
If you aren't a bunny mom (or dad), consider adopting a rescue pet.

If they are lucky, they come from the rescue shelter.

GHRS rescued bunnies: Zazzle (the Mommy) and babies

Zazzle and babies seemed appropriate to include on Mother's Day.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Mani-Pedi at the Georgia House Rabbit Society

The retribution for this mani-pedi is going to be epic.