
Sunday, December 22, 2019

A Very Bunny Chanukah

One of the things I think about during the holiday season is the bunny picture I post for Christmas (this is the one time I'll tell you not to look back at older posts ... just wait). It is one of the cutest I have ever seen and look forward with anticipation to sharing it each year with Rabbit Ramblings readers.

But then I was wondering about Chanukah (or Hanukkah, Chanuka, Chanukah, Chanukkah, Channukah, Hanukah, Hannukah ... however you prefer to spell or pronounce it ... ask 2 people and you'll get 4 opinions).

Anyway, are there any bunny and Chanukah tie-ins???
Well, yes there are. And thanks to search engines and the world wide web, here are some examples ...
Bunnies lighting a menorah
is an animated ecard on
This bunny sitting on a carrot is a Menorah.
You can buy cards with a bunny and Chanukah theme here.
A bunny book about the holiday for little kids is available here.

Bunny and chocolate ... yum!

Needlepoint bunny eating a latke*.
Don't think a bunny would
really eat a latke, but it's cute.
(* fried grated and seasoned potato pancake,
traditionally served on Chanukah.
Think of a really excellent little hash brown round.)

Artist: Penny Collins of Regarding the Secret Life of Rabbits
(if you don't already follow her, do yourself a favor and check these out.)

Happy Chanukah - The Festival of Lights!

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