
Sunday, December 18, 2022

A Very Bunny Chanukah

Any bunny and Chanukah tie-ins???

Well, of course there are! Here are some examples ...
Bunnies lighting a menorah
is an animated ecard on
This bunny sitting on a carrot is a Menorah.
No longer available  :(

You can buy cards with a bunny and Chanukah theme here.
A bunny book about the holiday for little kids is available here.

Bunny and chocolate ... yum!

Needlepoint bunny eating a latke*.
Don't think a bunny would
really eat a latke, but it's cute.
(* fried grated and seasoned potato pancake,
traditionally served on Chanukah.
Think of a really excellent little hash brown round.)

Happy Chanukah - The Festival of Lights!

Friday, November 11, 2022

Veterans Day

To our veterans on Veterans Day:

Thank you for your service.
Wishing you peace and good health.
(with RR's traditional Veterans Day meme)

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Bun o' lanterns -- Bunny pumpkins for Halloween

 A Rabbit Ramblings traditional pre-Halloween post... If you carve a bunny pumpkin, please post a picture on the RR Facebook page so it can be added to the "library". (Bunkin pictures from miscellaneous sources around the internet and from past Facebook contributions, so also appreciate any picture credits you can add - thanks!)

Have fun! Be careful carving pumpkins and have a safe celebration!

Happy Halloween!

Carving a "bunkin" (bunny pumpkin) for Halloween?

Here are a few "Boo! Bunnies" to inspire your creative carving...

Magic Happens Rabbit Rescue FB page & website
Magic Happens Rabbit Rescue FB page & website

Magic Happens Rabbit Rescue FB page & website

A classic lop image

Another approach to bunny pumpkin carving

Was this bunny in "Lord of the Rings" or something?

Don't forget "EB" - the Energizer Bunny

Bunny from Prickly City?
Bonded duo

                                                         Models for bonded duo pumpkin
Bunny Butt!
Talk to the butt, 'cause the ears ain't listening!

(Bernie Bunny from Annie's)

Bunny model: Pinki Larue
Model for pumpkin above

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Happy Anniversary, Bugs Bunny!

As a bunny blog, today's special anniversary must be celebrated:

Bugs Bunny's official debut was 07-27-1940 in A Wild Hare, 82 years ago today. 

Those cartoons are the only reason I know any opera.


Friday, July 1, 2022

Make it a Happy 4th of July for your bunnies, too!

 You remember the holiday message right?

Don't drink and drive.
Don't text and drive.
Don't drink and text.
When boating, wear a big orange life vest (you humans look so funny in those).
Play with your bunnies and give them lots of treats!

Be grateful to be in the land of the free and the home of the buns.

Well, here's another one: Bunnies don't like fireworks.
It stresses them just like other sudden and/or loud noises.

If your bunny's neighborhood is firecracker noisy, keep the buns cool and quiet.
Close the windows and doors. Close the blinds to avoid flashing lights.

Play music - peaceful, easy listening (not loud). Think elevator music.
(No hair bands or hare bands. Stay away from 1812 Overture.)
Your TV service might even have a suitable channel in its lineup - you just never tune to those channels.

If you do not already have boxes for them to play on and in, get some plain cardboard boxes (not slick or a lot of ink/color, no staples, labels or tape); cut at least two openings in each box big enough for your bunny to get in and out. They can hide in them, to further mute the noise and feel a little safer.

An air filter in their room may provide white noise to help muffle the fireworks' sounds.

Keep them company and reassure them that everything's okay. Pet them if they are the petting kind of bunnies. Have a couple of healthy treats handy (Bunya told me to say that).

Have a wonderful and safe Fourth of July holiday!

Here's another great article about Pet and Fireworks.

Here's a great idea -


Previously saw these bunnies celebrating on the GHRS Facebook page and their humans from Langhorne, PA graciously sent their too cute pictures to become the standard Rabbit Ramblings 4th of July bunny reps.

Chloe & Casper,
Rabbit Ramblings' 4th of July bunnies!
<< Insert "SQUEEE" here >>
(Chloe looks like a living Rorschach test)

And Daffney is preparing for the sunshine and cookout
(or maybe the fireworks ... be a dear and fetch her ear plugs, please).
P.S. Daffney, a lionhead, was adopted from the Bucks County SPCA.

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Memorial Day


Hi, there. Bunya here.
Here are some holiday rules and cautions:
Don't drink and drive.
Don't text and drive.
Don't drink and text (you can get in a lot of trouble).
When boating, wear a big orange life vest (you humans look so funny in those).
Play with your bunnies and give them lots of treats!

"Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States
for remembering the people who died
while serving in the country's armed forces."
[Link: Wikipedia]

Have a safe & wonderful holiday weekend!


Bunny care: If fireworks are used to celebrate in your area

Bunnies don't like fireworks.
It stresses them just like other sudden and/or loud noises.

If your bunny's neighborhood is firecracker noisy, keep the buns cool and quiet.
Close the windows and doors. Close the blinds to avoid flashing lights.

Play music - peaceful, easy listening (not loud). Think elevator music.
(No hair bands or hare bands. Stay away from 1812 Overture.)
Your TV service might even have a suitable channel in its lineup - you just never tune to those channels.

If you do not already have boxes for them to play on and in, get some plain cardboard boxes (not slick or a lot of ink/color, no staples, labels or tape); cut at least two openings in each box big enough for your bunny to get in and out. They can hide in them, to further mute the noise and feel a little safer.

An air filter in their room may provide a white noise to help muffle the fireworks' sounds.

Keep them company and reassure them that everything's okay. Pet them if they are the petting kind of bunnies. Have a couple of healthy treats handy (Bunya told me to say that).

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Happy Mother's Day!

 Happy Mother's Day! Especially to all the bunny mommas (and daddies).

If you aren't a bunny mom (or dad), consider adopting a rescue pet.

If they are lucky, they come from the rescue shelter.

GHRS rescued bunnies: Zazzle (the Mommy) and babies

Zazzle and babies seemed appropriate to include on Mother's Day.

Monday, March 28, 2022

Easter - real bad for real, live bunnies

  This is a link where you can read about why: Easter and Rabbits Do Not Mix

The RR Bunny Advocacy page of Memes (many about Easter)

Please ...
Pick some memes/posters you like and spread the word:
Post it on your blog or Facebook page.
Post it in your church.
Ask your clergy to mention it from the pulpit.
Circulate it to your neighborhood groups.
Email it to your friends and contacts.
Send them to teachers/post it at school.
Ask your local paper to print it.
Ask TV and radio channels to make it into a PSA.

Please help save somebunny.

"It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do little."

Regardless of the effort, after Easter, rabbit rescues will be flooded with rabbits that have become unwanted Easter gifts. Please donate any amount you can to your local rabbit or other animal rescue. If you don't have one, here's a great one: GHRS
And here is the international House Rabbit Society.

NEVER abandon a domestic pet bunny outside "in the wild" - they do not have the coping mechanisms of their wild cousins. This is most often a torturous death sentence from predators, parasites, dehydration, and/or starvation.

Don't give animals as gifts -- this applies to bunnies, chicks, ducklings, cats and dogs - any pet. Please be an educated, loving and caring pet person.
Adopt - don't shop.

The Plea of the Easter Bunny
[There used to be links but they don't work any more.]

Will you think of me at Easter,
Will you buy me as a gift...
For your girlfriend, boyfriend, little child
To grant their special wish?

Will you think of me inside my hutch,
That tiny 'starter-pack'
That doesn't let me hop around
And starts to hurt my back?

Will you think of me 'tomorrow'
When you go to work or school
With a lovely lunch packed in your bag,
'Cos I get hungry too...

Will you think of me, just sometimes please?
My hutch, it smells so bad.
I'd love some water in my bowl,
And some hay. I'd be so glad!

Will you think of me when the sun shines bright
And it's 'wonderfully hot'
But I cant get cool, this heat is cruel,
Don't tell me you've forgot!

Will you think of me when the north wind blows
And my hutch floor turns to ice,
And I'm shivering whilst you're all warm
Underneath your quilt so nice?

Will you think of me? Please think of me!
I'm helpless, at your mercy!
Why did you buy me on a whim?
Why did you then desert me?

Will you think of me now Easter has
Arrived yet once again,
And a thousand little bunnies
Face a life of hopeless pain?

I can binkie over rainbows now,
I am happy, and I'm free.
But I wonder, now that I have gone,

Will you ever think of me....?


Easter Bunny Poem
Jul 10, 2011 by HRS
by Mary Brandolino
In memory of all the bunnies we couldn’t save.

I remember Easter Sunday
It was colorful and fun
The new life that I’d begun
In my new cage.

I was just a little thing
When they brought me from the store
And they put me on the floor
In my cage.

They would take me out to play
Love and pet me all the time
Then at day’s end I would climb
In my cage.

But as days and weeks went by
I saw less of them it seemed
Of their loving touch I dreamed
In my cage.

In the night outside their house
I felt sad and so neglected
Often scared and unprotected
In my cage.

In the dry or rainy weather
Sometimes hotter sometimes colder
I just sat there growing older
In my cage.

The cat and dog raced by me
Playing with each other only
While I sat there feeling lonely
In my cage.

Upon the fresh green grass
Children skipped and laughed all day
I could only watch them play
From my cage.

They used to take me out
And let me scamper in the sun
I no longer get to run
In my cage.

Once a cute and cuddly bunny
Like a little ball of cotton
Now I’m grown up and forgotten
In my cage.

I don’t know what went wrong
At the home I did inhabit
I just grew to be a rabbit
In my cage.

But they’ve brought me to the pound
I was once loved and enjoyed
Now I wait to be destroyed
In my cage.
