
Monday, April 25, 2016

Funny Bunny Monday Meme*day

Have a great week!
And remember to check your teeth before that important meeting or date.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Ethel frustrating limitation - the gate

Ethel has the heart of an explorer and the elusiveness of Houdini (we call her Bundini). Here, she is at one of her usual haunts, the gate that is one limit to their territory. I'd wager she's nibbling the bars. She has been the mastermind of earlier escapes (as documented in this blog), but so far, this gate has frustrated her mightily.
Sorry, Ethel.

Some of the prior escape posts:
The Mastermind of The Great Escape -- Ethel?!?
Bundinis - Lucy and Ethel demonstrate escape skills (video)

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Bunya can tell time, when it's important

I don't know how, but I swear Bunya can tell time. That has been asserted here before.

Their favorite treat, a Probios is served (for whatever reason) at 9pm. If I miss the time, Bunya will stare at me from the floor, using his mind meld to communicate his message. If I am too absorbed in my book, then he hops up on the sofa next to my recliner, where I have to see him, and repeats the stare.

It works.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Funny Bunny Monday Meme*day

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Treats are in the hand of the human.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Bunny Potter

Bunya is shedding. Sometimes, he sports a little chevron that migrates from his nose up his face. This time, a "lightning bolt" just appeared.

I keep waiting for him to wave around an apple-wood stick and emit "Treatsium maximus!"

Monday, April 11, 2016

Funny Bunny Monday Meme*day

Realize that if you adopt a bunny, you may never again eat a banana alone.

P.S. Bunny care: Bananas are a treat only. A portion is a small amount, like half a thin slice, the size of a fingernail.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Table for One, or Ethel sneaking some pellets

Bunya is on an all hay diet to make sure he's on the road to recovering from his recent stomach blockage. This will likely be his future forever diet.

Well, that means poor little Miss Ethel is on an all hay diet, too.

But I try to sneak her some pellets when Mr. B is not around. In this case, Bunya was off in the hay cube box and Ethel was playing in their cardboard "warren" under the kitchen table. Ethel now knows that if I tap on a certain door, I am prepared to offer her some pellets or a treat Bunya can't have.

When this video starts, Ethel has finished the first course of pellets but is still hanging out hoping for more. Of course, I caved in and provide more pellets for her surreptitious enjoyment (about 20-ish seconds in). Still love watching bunnies chew.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Funny Bunny Monday Meme*day

Vegetable gardens and farms ravaged!
Buildings chinned to the ground!
Bunny poops the size of a Volkswagen!

I think we've got another blockbuster on our hands.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Bunya's mid-day meds

This was when Bunya had to take a mid-day dose of his meds. We've cut back to twice a day now. Anywho, I would run home from the office, zoom in to draw the meds and dose him through his pen fence. He was so excited he'd be jumping on the fence. He knew - a treat follows. Then I dashed back to work.