
RR Funny Bunny Memes

Here are some pictures of our bunnies that have been posted on the
Other bunnies' Funny Bunny Memes are here.
Bunny Advocacy memes are here.

12-26-2020: Fostering a GHRS bonded trio we call Clark, Lois, and Lana.
Lois is black, Lana has a harlequin "belt" and Clark is similar to Lana but darker and no belt.

Update: 2020: All three have now passed, Bunya and Ethel both in 2020.
Bunya was 13 and Ethel was 10. 
For reference, Bunya is wearing brown. The sisters are Lucy & Ethel.
Ethel is all white and Lucy is the black & white Dutch.

You should be able to click on a picture to view a larger version, if needed to read it.

View from the buncam one night

Image may contain: text that says 'I think they're both asleep. (He has cataracts and can't see.) JNOT928S This is bonded bunny love Rabbit bbitRamblings'

Image may contain: meme and text
For real information on Coronavirus/COVID-19
and how to protect yourself, see: and
#COVID19 #Coronavirus #CDC #WHO

Everyone is sharing their graduation pictures this year,
to honor the shelter-at-home graduates of 2020.
Ethel wanted to play, too.
Remember to play Pomp & Circumstance
for your 2020 graduates.

Check out this post for the backstory:
Adapting to Aging Bunnies

Image may contain: text that says 'Ethel spends her evening sitting next to my chair, staring at me, waiting for treats. When she doesn't get enough, she surrounds my chair with "Poophenge". facebook'

Image may contain: meme and text

Image may contain: text

Image may contain: text

Profiles in Disapproval


  1. so cute! i love the live video. What do you use?

    1. Pictures and videos from the same camera: Canon PowerShot ELPH 310HS. Great camera - love it.

  2. Adorable!! It is amazing how all three get along so well.
