Thursday, February 28, 2013

Bunny IQ test

When we got the bunny's castle from The Blissful Bunny, we also got the Einstein toy. This is providing us with tons of bunny entertainment. "Us" meaning the humans, the bunnies' slaves. But it also entertains the bunnies. It is only limited by the number of treats we will allow the bunnies to eat.

Ethel was the first to discover it.
She likes nibbling on the pieces but
has not developed the safe-cracker mentality.

So along comes Lucy - a mischievous bunny if there ever was one.

Bunya was still at the vet when we introduced this, so it was just Lucy and Ethel.

Lucy is the one who figured out that if she lifted up the "stopper", she would find a treat.
Ethel figured out if Lucy lifted a stopper, she could find a treat. If she could beat Lucy to it.
Lucy figured out she needed to open and employ a rapid search and seizure operation if she wanted to claim her reward.

In this video, Lucy had already opened the center treat holder. While this was soon after they got the toy, she was already refining her technique for opening the toy (and grabbing the treat).

We started putting multiple treats in each hole so they could both have one.

Oh - and you will see they love to nibble on the toy itself! Ethel is trying to turn the cube tops into ball tops.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Thank you, Bunny Shaming!

<<< Here's the status of the "challenge" issued fbo GHRS.
The 10% jump in fundraising is due to "The Bunny Shaming Effect".
Bunny Shaming posted the challenge on their Facebook page and their fans kindly responded for the benefit of GHRS. If you have not found or "Liked" their page, check it out for lots of bunny related chuckles (you don't even have to be on Facebook to view it).

We're still only at about 20% of the potential award to GHRS.
Please help GHRS buy the bunnies' shelter home via a Facebook "Like"...
Rabbit Ramblings will donate funds to the GHRS capital campaign based on the net increase in RR page "Likes" on its Facebook page by March 31, 2013. So, you still have just over a month to rally the bunny-loving brigade.

If you have already "Liked" RR (thank you from RR & GHRS), then tell your bunny friends to "Like" RR on Facebook, re-post the challenge or "share" it from the RR Facebook page.

GHRS is an all volunteer no-kill shelter that rescues, rehabilitates and finds homes for abandoned and abused domestic rabbits.

Thank you!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Return of the Bunmuda Triangle!

Here's what we've been waiting for - the Bunmuda Triangle.
We found the bunnies huddled all head-to-head. This was better than them being all in their own little spaces ... which they do anyway, but that was the only way they had been since being reunited. Now they are back into pair and trio groupings, too, which is more normal.

It's not all sunshine and pink clouds though. The morning after this picture, we found a tuft of Lucy's hair on the floor of the pen.
= : (

But we also found this poop. This is the kind of poop the vet was looking for; the distinguishing characteristic is that it looks like it contains some of the mass that was in Bunya's stomach. So this could be a sign that he is processing the hairball, or whatever it is.
(While a cat can cough up a hairball, bunnies cannot regurgitate.)

We'll take it day by day and, as always -- thank you for your good wishes for Bunya's recovery!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Bunny Meme*day

We've had matching bunnies and cats, so time for a matching bunny and dog.
Have a great week!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Bunya update - at home!

Here is how this post ends: Bunya is home. Thank you everyone for your positive thoughts for him. And thank to our vets and staff for their excellent care.

The transition
We realize we are not out of the woods yet, both with regard to Bunya's long-term good health and with the trio's bonding. Here's what we've done and where we are.

Bunya was to be released Saturday afternoon. In the morning, Lucy & Ethel joined him at the vet and the three of them were put into a large pen together (out of ICU, i.e., in a different pen than Bunya had been in that week). Our objective was to reduce the "re-bonding" element of bringing them home. Bonded bunnies apart can "un-bond", at least in our experience (with both Alice and this trio). The hope in this strategy was that all three would be on neutral ground, smell the same and be somewhat "shaken" up (since they don't like car rides).

As part of Bunya's health report (these bunnies get incredibly detailed medical reports), it was reported that when the three of them were together, Bunya displayed "amorous" tendencies, mostly towards Ethel. Of course, since they are all fixed, this behavior is only a dominance display; Bunya wanted to let them know he was still alpha bunny. Ehtel's response was that all day, the whole office heard loud THUMPS. Lucy is too big for Bunya to get away with much with her; they have more of an "understanding". Poor Ethel ... as if she isn't traumatized enough by the car rides.

We picked them up and met with Dr. Mike for the report and follow-up care instructions. Since the ride home is quick, we extended their time together in their carrier by driving around some.

The trio in their carrier, stacked like little bunny logs

At home, both litter boxes were freshly changed, so it would not smell only like Lucy & Ethel. A few extraneous poops were vacuumed.

Release the hounds! Well, bunnies.
We opened the carrier and Bunya was first out of the chute. For some time, he hopped around chinning everything from the new Blissful Bunny Einstein toy (more on this in a later post) to the same old boxes and toys that he had left behind. Ethel went to go huddle by herself, hiding away from everyone in the warren; this is her typical behavior and she can take until the following morning to "recover" from car rides (and to compound matters, there was Bunya's overly attentive behavior at the vet).

It was nice to see the twinkle back in Bunya's eye and see him hopping about.

We watched them all evening, broom handy to break up any altercations. There were a couple of short chases, but nothing that required our interference. After we put them to bed, we hung around in the dark with them for a little while, until they settled down.

This morning, I really expected to see some tufts of pulled hair in the pen but so far, haven't found any. When I opened the gate, they all poured out and ran around the basement playground. Bunya's nibbling cardboard; I don't know how high fiber that is and hopefully, he will focus on his hay diet soon. Part of the vet report was that Bunya was chowing down on his hay smorgasbord (but didn't seem to like the oat hay as much as the others). If we can, we will try to sneak the girls some of their crumbles.

Follow-up care
As to bonding, we are on the lookout for casual flops and the return of the Bunmuda Triangle, in which all three of them are piled together.

We have medicine to continue to administer; one is a twice a day dose and the other three times a day. Of course, he will get lots of hay and we will continue to monitor his behavior, which is what tipped us off to the problem in the beginning. Finally, we will be on poop watch; while the size has increased and is closer to normal, we are on the lookout for increased production. In 30 days, we take him for new x-rays to make sure the mass is reduced or (hopefully) gone.

This post is longer than usual. One reason it is so is to report to the overwhelming number of Rabbit Ramblings' readers who sent their good wishes for Bunya's recovery and asking about how he was doing - we felt you deserved the scoop. The other reason is so bunny owners might anticipate what might be involved in caring for bunnies, and what to look out for to do so.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Status report: Mr. B & the Challenge

<<< Here's the status of the "challenge" issued for the benefit of GHRS:
We're only at 11.5% of the potential award to GHRS.
Please help GHRS buy the bunnies' shelter home via a Facebook "Like"...
Rabbit Ramblings will donate funds to the GHRS capital campaign based on the net increase in RR page "Likes" on its Facebook page by March 31, 2013. So, you have over a month to rally the bunny-loving brigade.

If you have already "Liked" RR (thank you from RR & GHRS), then tell your bunny friends to "Like" RR on Facebook, re-post the challenge or "share" it from the RR Facebook page.

GHRS is an all volunteer no-kill shelter that rescues, rehabilitates and finds homes for abandoned and abused domestic rabbits.

Thank you!

As to Mr. Bunya:
Bunya snuggling with BunnyMom
Progressing but not at the "we can bring him home point". Was re-x-rayed Friday and also visited by BunnyMom. So, we are hoping Saturday; if that looks likely, we will take Lucy & Ethel to the vet to spend the day with Bunya and bring them all home together later in the day.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Bunya health update

First - THANK YOU to everyone who left here or on Facebook, such wonderful positive thoughts and prayers for a speedily recovered rabbit! We are keeping positive that he will pull through this bout.

Figuring that I am crazier than most, including the super staff at the veterinary hospital (meaning they might not have quite as many flavors as we stock), I decided to pack a "to go" selection of hays for Bunya. He is on the hay-only diet for maximum fiber flow-through, to break down the mass in his stomach. I thought Bunya might eat more if the flavors were varied. (As I look at the picture now, I am glad I was not stopped by a policeman ... the hay was just sitting on the passenger seat on the way to the vet.)

Green Haze (as opposed to Purple):
Oat, Botanical, Organic Meadow and Orchard Grass
[Max fiber content = 32%]

They let me visit with Mr. Bunya. He just rested on my chest (okay - stomach) and I skritched his ears, head and jaw (he loves that). He just closed his eyes and we sat there for 20 minutes or so.

Poop production is "small". Need to get the engines back up to speed.
They will x-ray him again Friday and we'll see if the mass is breaking down.
Thank you all again for your wonderful well wishes for him.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Bunny Care: Monitor your bunny's mood

Unfortunately, Bunya is at the vet.

This involves a couple of issues:
1. Bunya's health.
2. Re-bonding the bonded trio.

Bunya was feeling pooky. His behavior was off from normal and you have to be able to tell that about your bunny. For example, "normal" for Bunya is that he is the first one at the pen cage when I come in to feed them in the morning. He is bright-eyed and anxious for me to open the gate and bring them breakfast, often tugging the gate by gripping the fence in his mouth. He will dive into the crumbles and then come watch me clean and plate their greens. When I head for the pen, he dances a little jig and rushes to see what's on the menu.

Know your bunny's personality, so you can tell when something is not quite right. Bunnies can get deathly ill very quickly. It's been posted before but is worth repeating: Bunnies are prey animals. They instinctively know that predators seek the weakest. Therefore, a sick bunny will expend all his energy trying to keep up the appearance of being a healthy rabbit. When they finally give in, they can go downhill rapidly.
Not normal for Bunya.
Especially when offered a treat.

If you think your bunny is "off", write down all the things that make you suspicious; in this case, such things as:
He spent all day in a hidey box by himself.
He wasn't his usual robust self in the morning.
He only ate a bite of crumbles, then went to sit by himself in a little bunny loaf.
When offered their favorite treat, for which they are usually all excited in a "me first" way, he didn't even come out of their pen. He came a little closer and when given the treat, rolled it around in his mouth a little, bit it in half, and then left it on the floor to go make a little bunny loaf by himself again. THIS is the best indicator for us, the final test.
(There were a couple more but I left my notes with the vet.)

Not good. Looks like part fecal,
part cecal, too small and too wet.
Another major indicator is whether your bunny is pooping. If so, are they normal, round, fairly dry pellets? The fecal pellets referred to in the prior sentence are different from cecotropes, which the bunnies need to re-ingest for nutrition; the cecotropes look like a miniature cluster of grapes. Here is an article about bunny poops. In addition, be sure to check the Resources page for links to HRS articles on bunny care.

Normal, found in a-bun-dance.
So, now that we have identified "proper" poop, which is hopefully being deposited in mass quantities into the litter box every day, what can go wrong with it? Runny, diarrhea, smaller than usual, trailing fibers (from hair or eating carpet).

Figuring out the rightful ownership of poop is easy with one bunny but multiplies exponentially as you add bunnies to the mix. Or box.

These are things that your bunny's vet can't find out by an examination -- you have to speak for your bunny!  Take your notes. Take pictures. Take samples. Better to give your bunny's vet information that he can prioritize and assess, than not enough information to make a proper diagnosis.

Lucy & Ethel finally settled down
while waiting for Bunya's exam.
Hoping to reduce this potential disruption in their relationship, all three bunnies were gathered for the trip to the vet. If you are a Regular Rabbit Ramblings Reader, you know that the bunnies can un-bond after a long separation due to illness.

Three sets of bunny ears were quaking like leaves in a hurricane. Fortunately for them, it's a short ride to the vet.

Potential diagnoses:
1. Digestive track issue
2. Teeth problem
3. ?, ? or ?

The x-rays revealed a blockage in his stomach, a mass that needs to break down. When this happens, the bunny feels full and so only eats a little bit. And may drink even less, making matters even worse.

So Bunya will stay there for a couple of days in the ICU where they can push fluids, keep him on a high fiber hay only diet, administer medicine and monitor his poops.

After his weigh-in, Bunya got tired of waiting on the scale
and started to explore the counter-top until the doctor arrived.
Or, he may have been trying to hide.
If we are lucky, we can bring him home Friday. If that looks good, then we are thinking about taking Lucy & Ethel back to the vet that morning to spend the day with Bunya there, so they can all come home together and smell the same (like the vet's office, versus Bunya only smelling like that and the girls smelling like home).

Please keep positive, healthy thoughts for Bunya.
Thank you.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Rabbit Rescue Poem

Came across this poem on the internet and have not been able to find anything about the author.

Rabbit Rescue Poem
Author, Unknown

I used to be a lonely rabbit,
Just looking for a home.
I simply had no place to go,
No one to call my own.

I wandered through the streets and fields,
in rain in heat and snow.
I ate what ever I could find,
I was always on the go.

My skin would itch, my feet were sore,
My body ached with pain.
And no one stopped to give a pat
Or a gently say my name.

I never saw a loving glance,
I was always on the run.
For people thought that hurting me
was really lots of fun.

And then one day I heard a voice
So gentle, kind and sweet,
And arms so soft reached down to me
And took me off my feet.

"No one again will hurt you"
Was whispered in my ear.
"You’ll have a home to call your own
where you will know no fear.

You will be dry, you will be warm,
you’ll have enough to eat
And rest assured that when you sleep,
your dreams will all be sweet."

I was afraid I must admit,
I’ve lived so long in fear.
I can’t remember when I let
A human come so near.

And as she tended to my wounds
And cleaned and brushed my fur
She told me ‘bout the rescue group
And what it meant to her.

She said, "We are a circle,
A line that never ends.
And in the center there is you
protected by new friends.

And all around you are the ones
Who'll keep you safe and sound,
Who will share their loving home with you
Until a forever one can be found.

We will do all we can
by searching near and far,
To find the perfect home for you,
where you can be a star."

She said, "There is a family,
that’s waiting patiently,
and pretty soon we’ll find them,
just you wait and see.

And then they’ll join our circle,
they’ll help to make it grow,
so there’ll be room for more like you,
who have no place to go."

I waited very patiently,
The days, they came and went.
Today’s the day, I would hope,
my family will be sent.

Then just when I began to think
It wasn’t meant to be,
there were people standing there
just gazing down at me.

I knew them in a heartbeat
I could tell they felt it too.
They said "We have been searching for
A special bun like you."

Now every night I say a prayer
to all the Gods that be.
Thank you for the life I live
and all you’ve given me.

But most of all protect the bunnies
in the pound and on the street.
And send a Rabbit Rescue Person
to lift them off their feet.

Thank you to everyone who helps to make this circle bigger each day.

Some rescued rabbits ...
Zazzle, the mommy in her pink cast, and babies

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Bunny Origami Envelopes

This might be a little harder than folding bunny napkins (previously explored here and here), but I am not the "crafty" type, so you will have to assess that for yourself.

And here's the instructional video to help you transform the piece of paper in front of you to the envelopes pictures above:

Have fun!

P.S. Another origami post is here.
And if you want to make an origami bunny from a dollar bill, check this link out.

Please "Like" the Rabbit Ramblings Facebook page by 03-31-2013 to raise funds for the Georgia House Rabbit Society to buy the bunnies' shelter home (explained here).
Please send the Facebook link to your bunny loving friends.
Thank you!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Bunny Meme*day

Well, the crazy cat ladies have been around forever ...

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Bunny watching TV

That's pretty much it.
Bunya came out of his pen for a better view of the TV.

Omigosh - I hope he doesn't need glasses.

Bunya's not the only bunny that watches TV.
Random internet TV-watching bunny ...

I believe it was Two Bunny Blog
who dubbed this position the "full frog"
(but I can't find the reference).
They recently lost their adorable
blogging bunny, Tokki.
I hope they will be up to
posting again soon.
Our thoughts are with them.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Bunny things at host's house

Temporarily misplaced these pictures on my computer ... dated the file 2012. Just like a beginning of the year check. Anyway, went to an incredible Superbowl party and the home's decor included mucho bunnies!

Stuffed bunnies, art bunnies, statue bunnies, fetish bunnies, collector bunnies ...
Bunnies Galore! (James Bond reference ... Goldfinger)

Here's a sample:

Shelf o' bunnies

Stuffed bun,
sitting in a chair by himself

Bunnies of stone & glass
Another stuffed bunny

Crystal bunnies

Really cute bunny

Bunny fetish

Rainbow bunnies

Terminator bunny?

This bunny got mugged
(I'm groaning myself,
but if didn't say it,
my sister would.)

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Bunnies just wanna' have fun!

Another Leaping Rabbit production -- an adorable little video from the Sonoma Humane Society's Department of Bunny.

Binkies and flops and nose bonks - oh, my!

As before, cuteness abounds.
Hope you enjoy and give your day a smile!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Snuggle bunnies snuggle for Valentine's Day

Three different times ... the Bunmuda Triangle forms ...

Bunya and Lucy (always) opened their eyes to check out who was lurking
but Ethel knew it was just their reality show cameraman.

Bunya scootching as close as he could to the girls,
who are spooning like parentheses.

Love this one - Ethel using Bunya's head for a pillow,
with only his nose and part of one eye showing.

Seemed like a good post for Valentine's Day.
> : )

Please "Like" the Rabbit Ramblings Facebook page by 03-31-2013 to raise funds for the Georgia House Rabbit Society to buy the bunnies' shelter home (explained here).
Please send the Facebook link to your bunny loving friends.
Thank you!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Lucy NASbunny

Very brief, but caught the tail end of Lucy's Bunny 500 in her pen, running in and around their new castle from Blissful Bunny.
Guess she was testing out the new pathways, to get down the new escape routes.
(Hey, give her a break - she's a prey animal and this is her turf. This is Bunny Preparedness 101.)

Then she got distracted by one of the new apple-wood sticks purchased at the GHRS Hop Shop and stopped to nibble on that.
Mmmmmm [insert Homer Simpson food slobber here] ... apple-wood.

Above referenced apple-wood sticks.
Harvested by GHRS volunteers.
Your bunnies will love you if you get them some.

Please "Like" the Rabbit Ramblings Facebook page by 03-31-2013 to raise funds for the Georgia House Rabbit Society to buy the bunnies' shelter home (explained here).
Please send the Facebook link to your bunny loving friends.
Thank you!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Bunny things at the Bunny Shelter

Last weekend, went to pick up bunny supplies and bunny toys at the GHRS.
Bunny greeters:

Bunny meme poster:
Plz to insert treats
Kay thanx

Valentine's bunny

Bookshelf bunny

Bunny brick: Cute only gets us so far
So see the reminder below!
Please "Like" the Rabbit Ramblings Facebook page by 03-31-2013 to raise funds for the Georgia House Rabbit Society to buy the bunnies' shelter home (explained here).
Please send the Facebook link to your bunny loving friends.
Thank you!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Bunny Meme*day

Have a wonderful Monday & week!

Please "Like" the Rabbit Ramblings Facebook page by 03-31-2013 to raise funds for the Georgia House Rabbit Society to buy the bunnies' shelter home (explained here).
Please send the Facebook link to your bunny loving friends.
Thank you!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Blissful Bunny at GHRS

The wonderfully creative couple of the Blissful Bunny loaded up their vehicle with their amazing constructs to donate to the GHRS.
BB on the way to GHRS in the ATL!

Hay boxes, hay roll toys and Einstein treat containers -
hide treats under the lids & the bunnies pick them up for the reward.
(I reserved one and then forgot mine. I mean, Bunya's.)

Litter box with loft to keep hay clean!

Castles and bridges and tunnels! Oh, my!

And, well, uh, yeah, the bunnies might have some new digs ....
or chews ....

Thinking of bunny safety, I asked about how the toys are held together. The answer is very thoughtfully:
I use non-toxic wood glue and 1-1/4 inch finishing staples from an air compressor to hold the wood together. It takes a pair of vise grips and a lot of strength to remove one. As with anything for rabbits, their things should be monitored to see if the rabbit has chewed too deep. But the finishing staples are too large to eat and the u-shaped end will start to be exposed first. I have never had a problem and have been using these in the hay boxes for years.

Please "Like" the Rabbit Ramblings Facebook page by 03-31-2013 to raise funds for the Georgia House Rabbit Society to buy the bunnies' shelter home (explained here).
Thank you!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Adoptable bunnies at GHRS

Taking care of some new babies at GHRS!

The girls

The boys

There are all kinds of wonderful bunnies waiting for a forever home!

White ones

White with accent colors

Black ones



Best thing for you and your bunnies - adopt a bonded pair!!!

So many sweet bunnies.
So many good bunny homes needed.

Please "Like" the Rabbit Ramblings Facebook page by 03-31-2013 to raise funds for the Georgia House Rabbit Society to buy the bunnies' shelter home (explained here).
Thank you!