Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Vet Visit - we're there. Finally.

[Continued from prior two posts]

Ethel seems to be the go-to bunny when Lucy and Bunya want comforting. They snuggle into her. Here, it's kinda' hard to see, but Ethel is resting her paw on Lucy.
Ethel's little left paw is resting
on Lucy's right shoulder, under Lucy's ear.
Batting order was Bunya up first (the easiest), Ethel on deck, batting second, and Lucy batting clean-up ... we figured everyone would be exhausted after her, so she's last.

We wanted to follow-up on Bunya's embarrassing condition (Poopy Butt). As those things go, it was deemed not a big problem ... they've seem major P.B. and this wasn't it, so Bunya gets to slide. Lucky Bunya, we get to keep an eye on his P.B. when we groom him. Lucky us.

I asked if it would help to trim the hare's hair down there. Dr. Mike suggested a Brazilian for Bunya. Bikini pictures to follow in a future post. Maybe a Speedo.

Ethel is always the polite young lady.
Hey, Buster, you better bring me flowers and treats
before you touch me there!

Lucy was last and I don't know why that's when we really got into the details of a bunny exam (my wife has a medical background). A very important thing to check on bunnies is their teeth. You want to make sure that they haven't gotten too long or are curved to where they injure the bunny's mouth. This could be one of a few critical reasons a bunny stops eating and why you have to monitor their behavior.

Minimum of two to hold Lucy down

Ig oo gon't get ur han outta my mouf...
Lucy finally went back in the box (carrier).

The bunnies did well. We were very proud of them ... they love each other and keep themselves and each other very clean, even their ears ... no one needed any orthodonture. Our vet told us some stories of not-so-well-cared-for bunnies. And it's only because people don't know any better. All you have to do is learn a little about them, like from your local HRS chapter or online (check out the Rabbit Resources in the right-hand column of this blog).

Hopefully, everybunny stays well and we are done with that until their next regular check-up.