Saturday, April 7, 2012

Pull over - I gotta' use the facilities

When you are pulling into the hay station to refuel, you just have to hope that they have clean rest rooms.

Oooh - crowded here, but worth waiting your turn.
Or hop back into your transport and try the next stop.


  1. These things are very important to a Bun!

    1. Absolutely! I say this as the one responsible for cleaning the rest rooms.

  2. How is the bonding going? Is it progressing?

    1. Thank you for asking. We decided to focus on getting Bunya well first. We are still exchanging who is in which pen (so they sense each other)and they are in close proximity. Today, Bunya is getting an updated set of x-rays so we can see if the mass has dissolved (or at least, is in the process of dissolving). If so, maybe we can stop the medicine (in case it gave him medicine breath) and start the re-bonding dance.
      Of course, to go to the vet, we intend to put them all in the carrier together.
