Tell your friends!
Tell your bunnies!
It’s that time of year again and Bunnyfest is around the corner!
This year's event is shaping up to be fantastic!Check out some of the things in store for you and your bunny:
- Wellness exams (provided by Dr. Colby)
- Chiropractic exams
- Grooming and nail trimming
- A lecture on bunny acupuncture by Dr. Alicia Moon
- A lecture on advanced bunny medical care by Dr. Mayer of UGA
- The Blissful Bunny
- The GHRS “Hop Shop”
- Food and fun for everyone and everybun!
The event is $5 per person and $15 per family (CHEAP!!!)
P.S.Vendor tables are available at a VERY reasonable rate.
Contact Megan by emailing for more information.
We hope to have a Regular Roving Rabbit Ramblings Reporter (whew!) there to take pictures of bunnies for this blog - get your buns on RR!
(Wait - that sounded dirty but you know what we mean.)
This is great for all those lucky bunns