Friday, December 5, 2014

Ethel gets her CPE

A CPA in this state must get required hours of Continuing Professional Education (CPE). No problem... except that 16 of the 80 hours must be in "Auditing & Accounting". Which is a shame if you are not in public accounting and have to waste time and money for something totally unrelated to your work, instead of beneficial knowledge that you can use. [Excuse the vent.]

To maximize the utility of the wasted cost of the course, the materials have been re-purposed (after passing the exam). The bunnies also got some CPE, as illustrated here by Ethel.

This actually works out well. Since there are not really any white pages phone books anymore, this was an even thicker substitute. The subject matter was certainly dry. Luckily, she found the topic tastier than I did. There weren't even any personal injury attorney magnets to remove from the covers. And if the bunnies chew this, they are not chewing something else, like charger cords, electric wires, furniture and baseboards. And we're recycling.

And if she wants, Ethel can sit for the CPA exam next year.

Happy endings all 'round.


  1. My bunnies love their books too, and catalogs, and mail and paper towels lol

  2. Too bad your buns don't live in Northeast Ohio, where we get four phonebooks every single November. Sigh. I'd be so happy to give all of them to your roommates!
