
Monday, February 28, 2011

Year of the Rabbit Stamps!

I received a package from my sister, on which she used stamps that were an assortment of characters from the Sunday funnies. And it made me think, "Hey, I wonder if there's a bunny stamp?"

And there is! Cool!

And it has a big picture of KUMQUATS on it.
Of course. I would expect no less.
When I think of kumquats, I can't help but think about bunnies...
maybe having them neutered (or spayed).

Oh, wait ... in the upper left hand corner is a tiny bunny. Neat. Obviously, my skills do not lie within the realm of art and design, because for the Year of the Rabbit, silly me would have made the RABBIT the big part of the design picture.

You can decide for yourself if there is a bunny stamp.
Or if it remains as elusive as Bigfoot, the Abominable Snowman and the Loch Ness monster. Bunya, Lucy & Ethel were sorely disappointed.
Do bunnies even eat kumquats?
Do you?

P.S. Sis, I got the package; this is your confirmation. Loved the stamps. Wish I could mail you something with some bunny stamps.
> : (

Hey, wait! Maybe in the Year of the Kumquat ...

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Cute, Cute, Cute!

Egads! I am smitten...
Found this one at (02-26-2011),
but Disapproving Rabbits may need to check out this little fella', too.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Bunmuda Triangle

As usual, the pen gate was open but all the buns were hanging out inside. Bunya was a "bunny loaf", as we refer to it, against one back wall; he was just quietly surveying his domain.

Then Lucy hopped over next to him and flopped over (it was so funny/cute - wish I had video!). Lucy twisted herself to lay her head next to Bunya's.

Then Ethel wanted in on the action, so she flopped next to them so her head was next to theirs, on the other side of Bunya.

No fool, Bunya just snuggled his head down into this fuzzy warm love.

The Bunmuda Triangle
 Of course, this does not mean Bunya wouldn't chase their butts away if treats were being offered.
Ever alert to the possibilty of treats, Bunya thinks he might get there first, leaving the other two snoozing.

Introducing that Oscar winning rabbit...

This seemed like a timely post (if you plan on watching the Oscars tomorrow night).

Knighty Knight Bugs, a 1958 Looney Tunes cartoon, won the 1959 Oscar for Best Animated Short Film.

Just a reminder to check the pictures in the right-hand column, because new Bunny Things are added all the time. This is from a friend's collection; a few of their bunny things have already been posted and there are plenty more to come.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

SHOUT OUT - To my fans at UNC's Sigma Rho Lambda Sorority!

Thank you, Ladies. Ahhhhh, thank you very much.

What's all that funny writing? Oh well, I can't read Greek.
Think you can work up a crest with a bunny? Much more peaceful.
Just found out I got fans! College educated fans! My own beeps (that's bunny peeps). They put me on FaceBook and visited me on BunSpace! I wish I had a million more just like ya'! You are welcome to come flop in my basement with me and Lucy & Ethel anytime you're in ATL. We've got plenty of hay to share (just stay away from the treat jar - fanhood will take you only so far).

So, this Shout-Out goes to my fan base at UNC: Rachel, Sarah C., Lauren, Sarah B., Kayla, Lindsay, Samantha, Jillian and Erica. Thank you all!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Vanity license plate - TRUSTIG

A trusting individual?
Car purchased with trust funds?

Do you have a trust fund?
Well, I trust you anyway.
I trust you, too. But I am still not taking my eyes off this food dish.

If you have alternative interpretations for the vanity plates, please submit your thoughts in the comments!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Disapproving Rabbits

Just added a new link in "Funny Bunnies" to the right, Disapproving Rabbits. While they may disapprove, they allow links to their site, lucky for you. Here's a sample:
I can only assume you brought this
so I'd have something to stare at
while you brought my real dinner.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Waiter! Waiter!

This was in an email someone sent me.
Don't know the source, but I had to share with you.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Cute, cute, cute - Mila's Daydreams

Adele Enersen imagines what her daughter is dreaming, creates beautiful fantasy dream worlds - and then photographs her daughter in them, like this one:

With the bunny theme here, I had to share this one with you. You can see more of her wonderful pictures and read her blog at Mila's Daydreams. Her book, "When My Baby Dreams" is scheduled for release by Harper, Collins in January of 2012.

Animated hopping bunny

Found this cute little hopping bunny animation...
If you want it, right click on it and use "Save picture as..."
If that doesn't work or if you want to see some others,
try the site where I found it: Animated Bunny Gallery
Have fun!

Bunny Care - the Bunny Burrito, home version

Ah, much better...
Alice demonstrated the bunny burrito at the vet's office here.

*Ahem!* The ears, the ears!

Now the home game is played by Ethel.

Now, you trapped me, you tricked me ... let's get this over with, lady.

*Mmggmmff* Don't know how, don't know when - but I will get even with you.
Actually, Ethel is pretty sweet about the whole thing and seems to be very forgiving. It helps that the 10 days of gluey stuff is done and there's only one med left. And my wife of the medical training accomplishes it all with much greater facility than I can muster.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Rabbits Everywhere

Do you see the bunny in this everyday object?
Bunny in a bottle topper
I am not the only one who sees this ... and bunnies everywhere. Check out BunSpace's Rabbits Everywhere to see this one and many others. Send your submissions to

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Chocolate bunnies!

My wife was in San Francisco on business and picked me up a couple of Ghirardelli chocolate bunnies!
"The first thing he is going to do" she said knowingly, "is take their picture."
Well, duh!
They will live on in the right-hand column Bunny Things pictures, because the prospects of their continued existence in the real world are extremely limited.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Vanity License Plate - SUPRSIZ

Ironically, a small picture ... it was far away.

Super Size?
A big person?
A fan of McDonalds?
Likes big portions?

Maybe someone who likes to be startled? (“Surprises”)
Doesn't sound like a good thing while driving your truck.

Bunya got some "supersize" kind of cracks when we first got Lucy & Ethel, but he's just a very fluffy bunny.
Does this fuzzy fur make me look fat?
Who cares? You are very soft.
And they were smaller than him then, still babies.
Now Lucy's the biggest.

Lucy - Another position to mesmerize (and a bunny care point)

Love those blue, blue eyes!
And those fuzzy, fuzzy feets!
Bunny care point - Do NOT trim the hair on the bottom of your bunny's feet - it is there to protect them!
I was so comfortable ... who is that paparazzi guy looking over your shoulder?
What is your pet's favorite position?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bunny reunion has gone very well

Well, I think we can stop worrying about "unbonding" for now. I turned around and all three were huddled together and Lucy was passing around the licks.
The door is open for morning run around ... and the three of them hang out together in their pen.

After a job well done, Lucy relaxes next to her buds, one bunny laying on the next.
Looks like Ethel is again the "support bunny" to the structure.

Funny bunny - He talks, he cracks wise ... Meet Skippy!

Bunny who is a comedian or Comedian who happens to be a bunny? (~ 2 minutes)

[UPDATE: Went back to look a this video and found that it had gone private. Don;t know how long this will be up, but here is another link to it: Bruce Block's Skippy.]

Be sure to check out the "Bunny Things" pictures down the right hand column - new discoveries are added all the time! Today's addition: Bunny crystal

Monday, February 14, 2011

My Bunny Valentine

Yes, more bunny themed cards

My funny Valentine,
sweet comic Valentine
You make me smile with my heart
Your looks are laughable,
Yet, you're my favorite work of art

...maybe Rodgers & Hart had bunnies.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Bunny Care – Ethel is back!

For the backstory links, see Obstruction of justice and Ethel at the vet
Ethel still has to take medicine. We have to make sure she is eating hay, drinking water and, of course, pooping.

If you are a Regular Rabbit Ramblings Reader (“RRRR”), you will know that we are concerned about the bunnies’ reunion (see Alice got adopted). Ethel had been gone about 5 days.

At first, my wife put Ethel on the ground and let Bunya and Lucy come up to her. Nothing much. I then realized her head smelled medicinal. So we brushed a little eau de pineapple juice on her forehead to take it away and give her that mysterious, fruity allure. And we gave some small pieces of pineapple to Bunya; Lucy, too, but she didn’t eat any, which suited Bunya just fine.

Ethel tentatively explored the room she’s lived in for about 6 months and began “chinning” things. She hopped on top of one of the igloos, then off and into it. Into and out of the hay/litter boxes. Lucy gave her short chases, but nothing malicious and she gave up quickly … I think Lucy was trying to figure out if this was her little sister, who had disappeared one morning without explanation.
Ethel was anxious to see what progress had been made on the skylight project.
Fortunately, she was not the one to fall through first; as the lightest bun, that would define irony.
Bunya pretty much stood off to the side and wandered around doing his own thing. He was happy to be home, too. Earlier in the day, he had taken a trip to a pet store’s Rabbit Rally. We handed out some bunny care and HRS literature. But he had to stay in a small cage and there were too many barking dogs; still, he was a good sport and was pet by many (he’s realllllly soft). However, all in all, he’s about as happy about a car ride as I am about a root canal.

After a while, Bunya started to get closer to Ethel. There was a little chasing here, too. Eventually, they got closer and Bunya gave Ethel some licks. A little chasing, but short bursts, not serious. Then a few more licks by one or another. Eating hay together. At one point, Bunya wanted to foist his affections upon Ethel, which she was having none of. She deftly jumped away, even if one foot did dunk in the water bowl. At least she got some water when she groomed it off herself.
Ethel gets dried off after stepping in the water bowl.

Bunya deigns to give Ethel licks from on high.
Now, as I look behind me, Ethel is grooming Bunya and his head is smushed flat to the floor, eyes closed. Things are returning to normal, thank heavens. We’ll have to Dippity-Do Bunya so his hair doesn’t clog Ethel anymore.

As long as Ethel keeps getting better, I think everything is going to be fine.

Top 10 Ways You Know You Love Your Bunny [Part C]

[Feel free to substitute dog, cat or whatever your pet is for “bunny”.]

1. Your computer wallpaper is a picture of your bunny.
Not your spouse.
Not your children.
You take constant grief for this.
If they ever find out your screensaver is a bunny slide show...

2. In a tender moment with your spouse, you scratch him/her behind the ears.
What so wrong about this?!? You love them!

3. You shop for "entertaining" boxes to hold your warehouse store purchases.
You have your standards ... plain brown boxes; minimal ink; no slick paper; big enough to jump into or on, hide in, cut doors and windows in...

4. A beautiful person walks by and you notice the bunny-themed accessory they are wearing.
Did you see those perfectly adorable bunny earings!?!

5. You buy them more than the regular Timothy hay.
Okay, you seek out more varietals than a vintner...
Western Timothy hay and "treat" flavors like orchard grass hay and oat hay.
And while you serve them lots of the Timothy hay, as you should, you add a couple of "side dishes" of the others.

6. People can identify your pets by the hairs on your clothes.
That's a lot of hair ... you have how many bunnies???

7. You have a lint brush or lint roller in the bunny room.
And your bedroom. The kitchen. Your car. The office…

8. You really hate it when you go out of town and have to board them.
You feel a disturbance in the force.

9. When people ask how you are doing, you tell them about your bunnies.
The latest really cute thing they did.
The mischief they got into.
The results of their semi-annual vet check-up...

10. One bunny is not enough!
There are so many that need homes at your local HRS chapter. Adopt one today.
Better - adopt a bonded pair.
Caution: If you are married, find the balance between maximum number of bunnies in the household and staying married.

How many bunnies can you find in this picture?
(Hint: Look for three.)
(Thanks to my many pet-loving friends and relatives who cheerfully added to this list ... I'm about out, so send me some more of your pet-loving thoughts!)

Check out Top 10 Ways You Know You Love Your Bunny Rabbit [Part 1]
and Top 10 Ways You Know You Love Your Bunny Rabbit [Part Deux]

How can you tell that you love your pet?

Friday, February 11, 2011

Bunny Care - H2O ... Shaken, not stirred

This item could have gone with the ones listed in Obstruction of Justice. But I just thought of it as I was feeding breakfast to Bunya and Lucy. Credit for this tip again goes to the helpful and knowledgeable volunteers at my local North Georgia chapter of the HRS:

After you clean the daily greens you feed your bunnies, don't "dry" them - leave them moist. This is a way to get some extra water into your bunnies' diet. Water aids digestion flow-through and reduces the likelihood of a bunny blockage.

And believe me, the extra moisture has never prevented them from chowing down on their breakfast salad or evening snack greens.
Oh, this dressing is wonderful -- Chattahoochee River 2011?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Ethel at the vet

Went for a visit tonight, just to hold Ethel some. She's still not up to snuff (wherever that phrase came from) but was a good snugglebunny all the same. We hope she'll be better and home soon.
I've got a tummy ache.
I know, sweetie, I know.

Bunny Care – Obstruction of Justice

Well, obstruction of the intestinal system just didn’t sound as catchy.

Ethel is staying with the vet. He is even taking her home at night to continue to hydrate her and give her meds. I didn’t like the way she looked late Monday night … just a feeling that her behavior was “off”. The next morning, the alarm bells went off when I first saw her – she was lying in the litter/hay box, did not run out when I opened their pen, and was not responding to calls, offers of treats or food.

This is a really dangerous thing that can happen to bunnies. Here is my layman’s take on some bunny care health issues:
- Bunny digestive systems are much like horses. 80-85% of bunny diet should be fresh hay.
- Bunnies can’t regurgitate (vomit, puke, barf, bart, boot, ralph, earl, hurl, spew, throw up, toss, upchuck, call Ralph on the great white telephone, bow down to the white porcelain altar … why do we have so many terms for this??? I am sure I left out plenty.)
- Obstructions can be caused by, for example, hairballs. But unlike cats, bunnies can not [insert your choice term here]! (C’mon – you can’t have forgotten that fast – look at the point above.)
- Bunnies are prey animals (eyes on the side of the head). After eons of evolution, they have caught on that the predators target the weak.

So, even when they feel sick, they will use every last ounce of energy to look “marvelous”. They may be jumping around, trying to keep up with their bunny buddies … then crash and burn.

Pay attention to your bunny's behavior, for example, if s/he: lies down and stays that way (maybe in the litter/hay box), stops eating, doesn’t play with the other buns, doesn’t run around in usual behavior patterns (like coming when you call or offer treats, ignores the food dish when you put out fresh food at mealtime) -- then get your bun to the vet ASAP.

Another sign of obstruction is when they stop pooping. This may be harder to tell if you have multiple bunnies. Easier if you have one with a clean environment.

If these symptoms appear, you may not have long to save your bunny. Consider this – literally – a life or death situation. It is.

Some more bunny care tips:
1. To help you recognize if something may be wrong with your bun, give them a daily body “rub”. Get use to what it feels like so you can tell if something is off.
2. Make sure they always have unrestricted access to a lot of fresh hay.
3. Always have plenty of fresh, cool water available.
4. Brush your bunnies with a proper brush (not too stiff such that it hurts their skin).

In spite of great care, stuff can happen. We hope Ethel is home soon. Please think happy, healthy bunny thoughts for her.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

More bunny stuff

Okay, this is just like all the other "Bunny Things" that are down along the right-hand column, except maybe a little more so to me. This is a bunny pen holder; I used to collect fountain pens (still have them, just stopped getting more). So this bunny pen holder is holding a fountain pen, dangerously cross-pollinating my hobbies. No, I am not going to get it (I did not collect holders and it's too expensive), but I can appreciate it.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Rabbit Rally this weekend at Atlanta area Petco stores

Staffed by North Georgia Chapter of HRS volunteers, this coming Saturday and Sunday from 1:00-2:00PM. Potential bunny adopters can meet a bunny fanatic or two, hear about their lives as slaves to these wonderful pets and get some materials to learn more about bunnies.
Alice: These are not the droids you are looking for, Human.

Monday, February 7, 2011

icanhascheezburger's Year of the Rabbit Posters

Look who was on one of the Year of the Rabbit posters!!!

There are so many funny bunny pictures they made into posters ... hide'n'seek bunny, possum bunnies, bunny food, pick me bunny - just go check them all out at (the poster above is 7th down the page).

But don't forget to come back here!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Bunny-rich environment

We went to a super Super Bowl party. Interesting people, big TVs everywhere and incredible food. (Can you say "ahi tuna"? Sure, I knew you could).

But what made it even more fun for yours truly was that it was a bunny-rich environment for knick-knacks. I only had my cell camera, but that happens a lot with the real buns, too.

So I got enough snaps to parcel out over the next several weeks. Come back to visit and check out the "Bunny Things" heading near the end of the right hand column. To start off, two new artsy buns have been added tonight.


Fender Bender

Fender bender.
Bunya stopped short.
Ethel was following too closely and rear-ended him.
Who knows how many points that's gonna' take off her license...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Buntourage - A Happy Ending

(In follow-up to Bunny treats - or not...)

Treats scored today - got the last bag off the shelf!

Yes, you called us?


You have something for us?

TREATS! He has the TREATS!!!
Buntourage restored   *Whew*

Friday, February 4, 2011

Bunny treats - or not...

Honestly, I stopped at four places on the way home looking for the little treats the bunnies love. Nobody had them. It is a major pet food provider - the brand name was well represented in the store. These are major pet specialty stores and big box stores with pet departments. What gives!?

I now have majorly disapproving bunnies.

*Ahem* [angry thump] The bowl - it is empty.
Human, you are treading dangerous ground.
Hopefully, my wife will find the right rabbit snacks on her way home.
Fear the disapproving bunnies.
From a safe distance.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Bunny Care - Great Poster with an Excellent Message

Snagged this from the HRS North GA Facebook page:!/pages/House-Rabbit-Society-North-GA-Chapter/124520227578230
A great poster and so true. Same thing goes for Easter.
Bunnies can be wonderful, funny, smart, affectionate pets -
but like all pets, they require care and attention. A lot. Just like people.

Like the King said...
Don't Be Cruel!

And BTW: Don't buy a bunny - rescue a rabbit!

Chinese Year of the Rabbit

Happy New Year, Bunnies!

A Rabbit Ramblings reader sent me a link with this cool logo:
Check it out for what to expect in the Year of the Rabbit.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cute, cute, cute - Just found 'em and had to post 'em

Found these cuties at (01-30-2011 entry)
Yes, I was serious about have bunny links bookmarked on my computer!
Don't you?
Doesn't everyone?

Top 10 Ways You Know You Love Your Bunny Rabbit [Part Deux]

[Feel free to substitute dog, cat or whatever your pet is for “bunny”.]

1. You have a different voice that is just for the bunnies.
I didn't know my wife even had a pet voice until we got bunnies

2. You talk to them when you come home from work.
Not just about YOUR day, but asking about theirs

3. You squinch your lips together and try to match the speed of the motor in your bunny’s nose when he's looking at you.
And, yes, you do look like the village idiot

4. You call your bunny “my little baby.”
She's approaching 10 years old

5. Your t-shirts are all bunny-themed.
You buy them from the bunny sites bookmarked on your computer

6. You rip the rabbit recipes out of your cooking magazines.
Other than that inhumanity, those magazines are sacred (see Affection for bunnies)

7. You delight in giving them treats because they get so excited.
And run high speed circles around your feet

8. You love it when they excitedly run up to greet guests.
It's like when your kids finally quit hiding behind your leg and would say "hello" when meeting new people

9. The bunny toys outnumber your kids’ toys.
Hey, the kids are just gonna' play on the computer anyway

10. When you are dining out, you always think of them as you admire the salad course.
So you order a “field greens salad, no dressing, to go” for the floor diners.
Of course, they may choose to eat on the sofa or coffee table while watching their favorite TV shows.

Check out The Top 10 Ways ... [Part 1]
(Thanks to my many pet-loving friends and relatives who cheerfully added to this list.)

Oooh - from my favorite restaurant! Perfectly prepared!
How can you tell that you love your pet?