Don't drink and drive.
Don't text and drive.
Don't drink and text.
When boating, wear a big orange life vest (you humans look so funny in those).
Play with your bunnies and give them lots of treats!
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Be grateful to be in the land of the free and the home of the buns. |
It stresses them just like other sudden and/or loud noises.
If your bunny's neighborhood is firecracker noisy, keep the buns cool and quiet.
Close the windows and doors.
Play music - peaceful, easy listening (not loud). Think elevator music.
(No hair bands or hare bands. Stay away from 1812 Overture.)
Your TV service might even have a suitable channel in its lineup - you just never tune to those channels.
If you do not already have boxes for them to play on and in, get some plain cardboard boxes (not slick or a lot of ink/color, no staples, labels or tape); cut at least two openings in each box big enough for your bunny to get in and out. They can hide in them, to further mute the noise and feel a little safer.
Keep them company and reassure them that everything's okay. Pet them if they are the petting kind of bunnies. Have a couple of healthy treats handy (Bunya told me to say that).
Have a wonderful and safe Fourth of July holiday!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Previously saw these bunnies celebrating on the GHRS Facebook page and their humans from Langhorne, PA graciously sent their too cute pictures for the RR Fourth of July ...
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Chloe & Casper, Rabbit Ramblings' 4th of July bunnies! << Insert "SQUEEE" here >> (Chloe looks like a living Rorschach test) |
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And Daffney is preparing for the sunshine and cookout (or maybe the fireworks ... be a dear and fetch her ear plugs, please). P.S. Daffney, a lionhead, was adopted from the Bucks County SPCA. |
Four lucky bunnies (two bonded couples) live together with well-trained human servants who have been adopting rabbits for over 20 years -- way to go!
Wisely, all bunnies are "math-impaired" (they can't multiply).
I plan to eat lots of treats this holiday, I hope you will too! a very happy July 4th to all!