Saturday, October 13, 2012

Peter Rabbit Revival

Anyone else listen to NPR?
Yeah, me neither. But my wife does.
And she heard a story about Oscar-winning actress Emma Thompson reviving the Peter Rabbit stories.
You can hear the story and interview here.

(And actually, yes, I do listen to NPR, but not as much as she does.)


  1. Replies
    1. RR - bringing you all the bunny news fit to print (and that I hear about)...

  2. UC The Further Tale of Peter Rabbit
    By Emma Thompson; Eleanor Taylor (Illustrator)
    (Warne, Hardcover, 9780723267102, 72pp.)

    Publication Date: December 31, 2099

    I was looking into purchasing the book and found the above entry. I'm no sure I can wait until Dec. of 2099 for it. Per Amazon, real publication date was 9/6/2012.

  3. I've heard about it ... good plan.
